So I'm not the most religious person, but I do like the season of Lent. I even went to church tonight, Ash Wednesday service. Which, really, did nothing but remind me how unreligious I am. That I'm totally not pious or virtuous or any of that nonsense that apparently, if you go to church regularly, you're supposed to be. I did nothing during the service but listen to the guy behind me who had an incredibly distracting baritone singing voice. He was good by the way.
Anyway, during Lent you're supposed to give something up, back in the day when I used to attend services most Sundays, often strong-armed by my mother, I used to think it was just a device to punish me and keep things I loved far from me, like a distant memory...all those teenage Lenten seasons spent without chocolate. So depressing. Now, older, and perhaps a bit wiser, I see it as an opportunity to spend time reflecting about things I do regularly that perhaps aren't the most useful ways to spend my time. Case in point, the things this year I've decided to refrain from:
1) Swearing. Really, not a great habit and something that I just need to stop doing.
2) Complaining. I do way too much of it. So I want to do less. I fully expect to have to do this in stages...a girl's not perfect you know.
3) I am planning to try and do one nice thing for someone else every day. This is to get me out of my comfort zone, being reserved is my strong suit.
So how'd today go?
1) Some slippage, but minor, when I ran my foot into the wall earlier I managed to keep my mouth shut and just growl angrily at the baseboard.
2) far.
3) Coffee for a needy friend, she was happy, and in turn, so was I.
Day 1 - success, 39 to go.
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